Tuesday, January 13, 2009

And so, it begins...

In what I've come to think of as my style, I have missed the first deadline of the semester.  This, to me, is always a bad omen, but generally works out well in the end.  Which indicates that I should stop thinking of it as a bad omen.  But if I stopped thinking of it as a bad omen, I wouldn't then spend the rest of the semester in terror of missing deadlines, which ends up with me doing well in the class.  It's all a vicious circle, which is round.

Though I've missed the deadline, I'll go ahead and talk about class.  We sat in a circle, which is round.  I generally don't like talking classes, because I don't like talking, but this class will be good.  I need to get better at talking anyway.  Oral communication is a skill I'm looking to develop.  

I addressed some of this in the post above, but I've decided that I'll probably like this class.  Though it is comprised of elements that I generally think don't work well for me, I have a pretty good feeling about it, for whatever reason.  I'm generally the type that likes to sit quietly in class, spend lots of time working alone on my projects, and go about my life.  When I was getting my first degree, I had much more idealism about education.  I thought that it didn't matter what I majored in, as long as I had degree, some company that needed a well-rounded educated person would hire me.  Ha.  So here I am in school again, and I'm a little embarrassed to say that this time around it is simply a means to an end.  I want an editing job at a production company, doing documentary television work for national networks.  The upside is that it seems to be working, which is nice.  On the downside, I feel a bit jaded about education.

This has wandered a bit from the recap of class.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that this class will require me to step back into a less cynical mind set than the one I've developed over the last ten years or so.  I think that's good.  In the more technically oriented classes I've taken, there wasn't a lot of emphasis on thinking or knowing things, just learning how to use software. I look forward to being less obsessed with skill acquisition in this class, and thinking about why I do things rather than just how.  A little pure knowledge, with no ulterior motive, is a good thing.  So to wrap it up, and lightly tap the theme of the day on the way out, it seems this class has the potential to bring me full circle (round) to the way I used to feel about education.  Maybe I'll feel young again.

1 comment:

  1. That was a wonderful blog entry! Of course, I could be jaded and think you are just trying to say what you think I want to hear, but I somehow doubt you would do that! You seem to be a guy who states his mind when asked and I hope you keep doing just that!
